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Property Providers Group of Realties is a group of real estate companies in the Phi ... more >
To provide Philippine residents and investors a more open and wider choice of real ... more >
To become the country’s leading free real estate marketing portal and the leading ... more >
Others only enjoyed the holiday on April 9, 2016 while Property Providers were sowing time to acquire knowledge for their clients, themselves, and for the future. Just recently, Property Providers conducted a training/seminar to its brokers with a theme “From Perception to Millions”. "Mapping your Career Paths Towards Real Success in RE with basic techniques in reaching your first millions in RE". The training’s ultimate goal is to inspire everyone to keep their eyes on their goal which is to sell properties and keep moving toward their targets - get paid and acquire millions. In order for this to happen, they should always have a positive attitude and put away all the negativities in life. It is because according to T. Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth,, “If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a nonsupportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.”