Oakwood Residences Panabo City
Project Name: Oakwood Residences
Project Address: Panabo City
HLURB LTS No : 26589
About the Project
Oakwood Residences
Experience life with a touch of green!
The oakwood tree = is a common symbol of strength and endurance, and has been chosen as a national tree of many countries.
Oak Planking = was common in high status Viking long ships in the 9th and 10th centuries.
Interior Panelling = it serves as interior panelling of prestigious buildings such as debating chamber of the House of Commons in London.
Representation of wisdom = Because of the longetivity associated with the oakwood tree, some has come to think of it as representing wisdom.
Feature Information
Features & Amenities:
Concrete Roads & Gutters
Concrete Sidewalks
Underground Drainage System
Subdivision Perimeter Fence
Entrance Steel Gate with Guardhouse
Basketball Court
Gazebo with toilet and kitchen at the back
Electricity Supplied by Davao Light & Power Co.
Water Supplied by Panabo Water District
Subdivision terrain is more elevated than the future diversion road